Promise Patterns for Happier Relationships

:construction: Multiple Dependencies

Fallback Data

  • Insert a different value if a Promise fails.
const getData = () => Promise.reject(new Error('Connection Timed Out'))
const getCachedData = () => Promise.resolve({name: 'Brontosaurus'})
const log = (value) => console.log(value)
  .catch(getCachedData) //Could get data from localStorage
  • Can be used any time an external resource isn't reliable


  • Taking a Promise and independently calling multiple .then() on it
const dinosaurs = getDinosaurs() //Returns a promise




Promisify a Callback

  • Taking a callback and turning it into a Promise
const getDinosaur = (name, callback) => callback(null, {name})
const getDinosaurPromise = (name) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    getDinosaur(name, (error, data) => {
      if (error) {
        return reject(error)
  .then(log) // -> {name: "velociraptor"}

Gate Keeper

  • Wrap DOM Ready event
// This is how JQuery's $.ready() works
const domReady = () => {
  const readyState = document.readyState
  return readyState === "interactive" || readyState === "complete"
    ? Promise.resolve()
    : new Promise((resolve) =>
      document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", resolve))
const roar = () => console.log("Roar!!!")
const attachRoarHandler = () => 
  document.querySelector("button").addEventListener("click", roar);

domReady() // Promise only resolves when the DOM is loaded
  • Can be coupled with fanning to great effect


  • Store a Promise into a cache instead of the values
const cache = {}
const getDinosaur = (name) => 
    ? cache[name]
    : cache[name] = Promise.resolve({name})
const log = (value) => console.log(value)


console.log(getDinosaur('Stegosaurus') === getDinosaur('Stegosaurus')) //-> true
  • This way, a hundred different things can request a remote resource and it will only hit it once
    • It does this by storing an unfulfilled Promise
  • Synchronous values don't populate the cache until the request finished causing all of the requests that come in before the request resolves will also try and hit the external resource


  • Return the same Promise when something is asked for until it resolves
let throttledPromise
const resetThrottle = () => throttledPromise = undefined
const getDinosaurs = () => 
    ? throttledPromise
    : throttledPromise = Promise.resolve({name}).always(resetThrottle)

const dinosaurs = getDinosaurs()
console.log(dinosaurs === getDinosaurs()) //-> true
setTimeout(() => {
  //By now, the Promise has settled and is no longer pending
  console.log(dinosaurs === getDinosaurs()) //-> false
  • This keeps data fresh, but prevents parallel requests for the same thing
  • All parallel requests get the same Promise back until it resolves and a new Promise is made

Fastest Promise

  • Promise.race offers a method to put a time-limit on how long an asynchronous task can take
let cache = '[]'

const retrieveDinosaurs = () => //Don't resolve until 5 seconds have passed
  new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(["Brontosaurus"]), 2000))
const getCachedDinosaurs = () => //Don't resolve until 2 seconds have passed
  new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(getDinosaursFromCache()), 1000))

const saveDinosaursToCache = (dinosaurs) => cache = JSON.stringify(dinosaurs)
const getDinosaursFromCache = () => JSON.parse(cache)

const getDinosaurs = () => retrieveDinosaurs().tap(saveDinosaursToCache)
const log = (value) => console.log(value)

Promise.race([getDinosaurs(), getCachedDinosaurs()])

  () => Promise.race([getDinosaurs(), getCachedDinosaurs()])
  • If a connection is unreliable, take data from the cache and update the cache later


  • The future syntax of Promise
async function getDinosaurs () {
  const dinosaurs = await api.dinosaurs.get() //returns a Promise
  const names = dinosaurs.map((dinosaur) => dinosaur.name)
  return names

results matching ""

    No results matching ""